
It’s time to get ready for winter and this year the weather forecasters predict another very cold season. To keep everyone warm, well and safe we have put together some useful information to help you find the advice and help you need quickly.

  • Stay Warm– keeping warm is essential to keeping healthy during winter
  • Stay Well– advice, tips and information to help you to look after your health
  • Stay Safe– how you can stay safe during the winter months and how to get help if you need it

Support your local communities to stay well and cope with rising living costs this winter. This online event on Thursday 10 November between 11am and 12.30pm will give you an overview of who is more vulnerable in winter and how to signpost to the range of support available in Somerset.

Somerset Winter Readiness Webinar

Learn more about:

  • Keeping warm – places and help available to keep warm this winter
  • Keeping well – immunisations and emotional wellbeing and support
  • Financial wellness – how to manage finances when costs are rising
  • Essentials – support with food and other essentials
  • Planning for cold and extreme weather

This online briefing was for health and care professionals, paid and unpaid carers and volunteers working with people and communities who may be more vulnerable this winter. Find resources for professionals from this event here.

Keeping Warm

Every year, in the South West more people die in winter than non-winter months.  It doesn’t even have to be extremely cold, average temperatures of 8 degrees still cause excess winter death.

People who are most vulnerable at this time of year are:

  • people aged 75 and over
  • children in cold homes who are more likely to develop chronic lung conditions
  • people living with disability and long-term conditions
  • people with mental health conditions

The most important thing we can all do to be well this winter is to keep warm. We expect there to be high demand for support to pay energy bills, and a need for people to find somewhere warm to be. Therefore, we have made sure plenty of additional support is available in Somerset for anyone that needs it. We know many people will avoid turning their heating on this winter because they are worried about the cost.​ However, living in a cold home is bad for physical and mental health. We want to ensure that householders in Somerset can afford to keep themselves warm this winter.

Watch our Public Health Catch up on the importance of staying warm here.

Public Health Somerset is supporting Safe and Warm Somerset to help reach to those who need our help the most.

To find out more about the project, visit Safe and Warm Somerset – Centre for Sustainable Energy

If you are concerned about paying for your bills, there is support available on the Somerset Council website.

Somerset’s ‘Warm Welcome’ initiative

The Warm Welcome initiative is a network of venues that will offer an inviting place for people to keep warm. These venues will offer optional activities, or a place to get some work/homework done, or even just see a friendly face for a chat.

Spark Somerset is being funded to develop the programme and build a framework, identify appropriate spaces and co-ordinate the project moving forward. Somerset Libraries will be open as usual to offer a warm and welcoming space to all. Once all of the warm spaces have been confirmed, a public map will be made available.

Keeping Well

This Autumn and Winter we expect to see both flu and Covid viruses circulating. With the UK experiencing its first flu season since 2019, the population will have less immunity than previous flu seasons. The best way to protect ourselves our friends and our families, is by taking up all the vaccinations that we are eligible for.

Free Autumn Covid-19 Vaccination

The Autumn Booster Vaccination Programme began on the 5 September 2022, focusing first on delivering the vaccination to care home residents and people who are housebound. Appointments are now available to anyone who is:

  • Age 50 or over
  • Pregnant
  • Immunosuppressed
  • A Health and Social Care Worker
  • A Carer (paid or unpaid)

Vaccinations are currently by appointment only. The NHS will be inviting all eligible people to come forward but anyone who falls into the groups listed above can book now online using the National Booking Service, or by phoning 119.

In order to receive the Autumn Booster, people must have already received the full course of previous vaccinations (1st, 2nd dose and initial booster) with the last vaccination being 91 days or more prior. Find out More on GOV.UK.

Free Flu Vaccination

This winter, we will experience our first flu season since 2019. As a result, we will have less immunity than previous flu seasons.  Preparations for the potential impact of this on our population’s health and well-being, centre on vaccination for both flu and Covid-19, targeted to at risk groups.

People are encouraged to get their flu jab and in some cases these may be offered at the same time as the Covid vaccination. For more information about who is eligible for the free flu jab, please visit National flu immunisation programme 2022 to 2023 letter – GOV.UK.

If you are unwell, please wait until you have recovered to have your vaccine. If you have had confirmed Covid-19 you should ideally wait 4 weeks before having your autumn booster. You should not attend a vaccine appointment if you are self-isolating or waiting for a Covid-19 test. Find out Who is eligible on GOV.UK and the NHS website.

NHS Health Checks

The NHS Health Check programme is a national preventative programme to support people to stay healthy for longer. These free NHS Health Checks are available once every five years to anyone aged between 40 and 74 with no pre-existing cardiovascular condition.

You are eligible for a free NHS Health Check if:

  • You are registered with a Somerset GP or resident in Somerset
  • You are not being treated by your GP for an existing diagnosed vascular condition
  • You are aged between 40 and 74
  • And, you have not had an NHS Health Check in the last 5 years.

If you have a current health concern please do not wait, contact your GP to discuss. Find out more on our Health check page.

Know Your Numbers

Somerset’s Public Health Team have worked with the library service across the County to put in place a convenient, easy and free to access service – providing blood pressure monitoring kits that can be loaned from libraries across the county. The kits can be loaned for a fortnight allowing people to check their blood pressure, ‘at rest’, in their own home. Find out more

Staying Active

During the winter it can be hard to find the motivation to keep active. However, keeping moving can bring with it so many health benefits both physically and mentally.

There are lots of different activities to choose from to suit all levels of fitness. Remember keep moving to stay well.

Mental Health Support

If you are an adult living in Somerset and experiencing difficulties with your mental health, we are here to help. Open Mental Health offers support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make sure that anyone struggling with poor mental health can access the right support at the right time. Visit for more information.

Mindline is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. You can phone Mindline on 01823 276 892 or freephone 0800 138 1692. The helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find out more on our support with your mental health page

‘Choose Well’

If you become unwell, it is important to make sure you choose the right NHS service to ensure you get the best treatment and don’t forget, your pharmacist can give you good advice too. The NHS website is an excellent source of information about health, healthy living, and care and support.

Stop Smoking

Smokefree Somerset provides help from friendly, qualified Stop Smoking Practitioners. They offer free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which gives you nicotine without smoking. The practitioners can advise on stop smoking medications and support you to quit smoking and stay smoke-free.

Financial Wellness

The rising cost of living is affecting everybody across the County in a variety of different ways. We want to support those most impacted, including those who may have not faced financial challenge in their lives before.

We have put together some useful websites, community organisations, advice and guidance to help you through the rising cost of living. If you need help, contact us or one of the organisations in this guide. There’s advice, support and information available across Somerset.

The pressures around the cost of living can also affect our mental health and wellbeing, making us feel stressed, anxious, or low. It is important to look after your wellbeing and there are local organisations that can provide help and support. Find out about the information available at

Staying Safe This Winter

Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service

Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service is Somerset’s main specialist service which provides support to men, women and children who are affected by domestic abuse.

If you would like more information, please phone the Somerset Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0800 6949 999 or email

Drink Spiking

“Spiking” is when someone puts alcohol or other drugs into another person’s drink without their knowledge. It is illegal and can result in up to ten years in prison.

You can take some simple steps to avoid being spiked:

  • Never leave your drink unattended, take it whenever you go.
  • Be vigilant if you are bought or given a drink.
  • Where possible, drink from bottles as it is more difficult to insert drugs into bottles.
  • Be wary is people are reaching over your drinks.
  • Keep an eye on your friends.

Last reviewed: January 10, 2025 by Jennifer

Next review due: July 10, 2025

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