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Age UK


Falls prevention

Community falls prevention classes are 'Stay Strong Stay Steady' exercise programmes designed specifically to strengthen muscles, improve balance and prevent falls.

Community Pharmacies


Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Emergency hormonal contraception can be obtained free if you are under 25 years old, from your GP, Minor Injury Units, and Somerset Wide Integrated Sexual Health Service (SWISH). In addition to these locations, some Community Pharmacies also offer it.

Health Visitors


Health Visiting

Health Visitors work with pregnant women through to your child’s 5th birthday, supporting families with adjusting to being new parents, providing information and reassurance on your child’s health and development.

Mindline Somerset, Open Mental Health


Mental Health

Somerset’s Open Mental Health Alliance offers support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide access to mental health support if you are struggling.



Exercise Referral

Physical activity on referral, which supports people living with health conditions to become more active in a safe and structured environment.

School Nursing


School nursing

School nurses work with families whose children are aged between 5 and 19 years old to give confidential advice and support about health and wellbeing in both school and community settings



Smoking Cessation

Smokefreelife is a confidential free service which provides a range of advice and support to help you quit smoking.

Somerset Domestic Abuse Service


Domestic Abuse

Free confidential support and advice for anyone in Somerset who is experiencing domestic abuse or would like advice on how to help a family, friend or colleague.

Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service (SDAS)


Drugs and Alcohol

Free, confidential advice, treatment, and support to anyone living in Somerset who is experiencing difficulties with their substances use. The service is also available to anyone concerned about a friend or family member. SDAS is provided by Turning Point.

Somerset Health Checks


Health Checks

NHS Health Checks are free to adults between 40 - 74 years old, and can access your risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, kidney disease, stroke and certain types of dementia. Health Checks usually take between 20 - 30 minutes.

Somerset Health Walks


Health Walks

Health walks are free to access, and range from gentle, moderate to advance walks across Somerset and can help you to feel good, improve sleep, and increase your energy.



Sexual Health

SWISH is a specialist sexual health and contraception service, which offers a comprehensive range of services regardless of age, gender, or sexual identity. This is a confidential service and does not link back to your GP notes.