Starting Well: 5 to 18 years

Good health supports a child or young person’s ability to thrive, develop, stay safe and achieve as they grow up. This lays the foundation of a healthy and fulfilled adult life. This page includes information and resources to support and promote the health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families from 5 to 18 years.

Health and Wellbeing Toolkits

The Healthy Lifestyles Toolkit

The Healthy Lifestyles Toolkit provides information and resources for physical activity, food, long term health conditions and smoke-free settings.

The Mental Health Toolkit

The Mental Health Toolkit provides information and support about mental and emotional health and wellbeing. This includes self-injury guidance, trauma support, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and getting mental health support in Somerset.

The Parent and Carer Toolkit

The Parent and Carer Toolkit supports parents and carers to find the information they need including managing relationship conflict and wellbeing information resources and help for families.

The website also includes a Training Menu for schools staff and those working with children and young people and is home of the Somerset Schools Health and Wellbeing Survey

Wider Public Health services available

The Public Health Nursing Service

The Public Health Nursing Service works with children, young people and families to deliver the Healthy Child Programme.

The Health Visiting Service

The Health Visiting Service is led by health visitors who are public health nurses who work with 0 to 5 year olds.

The School Nursing Service

The School Nursing Service are public health and is led by school nurses who work with 5 to 19 year olds including children educated in school and those who are educated at home.