Sleep is an under-estimated aspect of our lives but is particularly important for our bodies to recover.
It is recommended that on average we should aim to get 8 hours of sleep every night.
What you can do
You can make some small adjustments to your environment which will help improve your sleep.
- Adjust room temperature
- Use neutral colours to create a calm environment
- Remove blue rights from devices
- Have comfortable bedding and clothing
- Limit noise
- Get into a routine
- Eat healthy food and drink
- Check pain medication with your GP
Local Support
If you are concerned about your sleep, it is important to speak to your health professional who can support you with hints and tips to improve your routine. A good time to discuss your sleep routine is at your annual health check. Mencap have produced this helpful leaflet which explains more about health checks.
National Support
You can find advice on good sleep routines on the NHS website.