This page is under development. It includes links to external sources of information on crime and community safety.
The page will be updated with ‘live’ data links as they become available.
Local Government Inform
For a profile of crime in Somerset, please see Local Government Inform. This report shows different types of crimes recorded by the police. The information is displayed in charts, tables, and maps, and you can compare data for different local areas.
For detailed local information and interactive maps, please see and search for an address in Somerset.
Crime and Justice Data (Office for National Statistics)
For information on crime levels and trends based on the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and police recorded crime data, visit the Office for National Statistics Crime and Justice web page.
Fire and Rescue
For information on incidents in Somerset, please see the Devon and Somerset Fire Service web page.
National figures are available from the Fire pages of the website.
Crime rate
For very local data on crime types and rates, please see the Crime Rate website.
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