
An inclusive health and wellbeing strategy can help to increase employee engagement, create a fulfilling workplace, and support your business in recruiting and retaining staff. Below you will find a range of wellbeing services available for Somerset based workplaces.


Take the Pressure Off

We are inviting workplaces across Somerset to ‘Take the Pressure Off’ by holding free blood pressure testing sessions delivered by Somerset Council staff at their workplace.

The free testing offer has been taken up by thousands of employees in Somerset already and we are seeing around a third of people tested having higher than normal readings.  This focused initiative means we can offer follow up testing support to understand a person’s average reading and signpost to further intervention and advice if needed.

For more information on the ‘Take the Pressure Off’ campaign, or to invite the testing team into your workplace, please contact us by emailing

Here are some quotes from Somerset businesses after accessing the Hypertension campaign:

This has been a great benefit for us and our employees, getting employees to know their numbers has enabled them to get support or see the GP if the numbers are of concern

The event was extremely helpful, with them coming to work it made the checks very convenient and easily accessible to all

The support and follow up support has been a great help to our staff by encouraging our staff to put their health and wellbeing first.

For more information please visit the High blood pressure (hypertension) page on the Our Somerset website.

Workplace Cardiovascular (CVD) Health Checks

A Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Workplace health check aims to screen and advise people of their risk of having a cardiovascular event such as a stroke or heart attack in the next 10 years. To generate the risk of an individual, we take measurements such as their height, weight, and waist, along with a pulse and blood pressure reading and a small blood test which will tell us cholesterol and glucose levels. Throughout the check, we will also ask an array of questions, from their family medical history to questions about their lifestyle and habits.

A trained Health Check Practitioner would visit your workplace on a set date and be available to support your workforce. We will work with each workplace to understand your particular needs and number of employees, ensuring that the service is available to as many eligible staff as possible.

For more information, or to book your workplace in on a day to suit you, please contact us by emailing

SmokeFree Somerset

Would you like to reduce sickness and absenteeism in your organisation whilst helping your employees to save money and become healthier?

Smokefree Somerset can help you to do this through tailored stop-smoking support.

We offer Nicotine Replacement Therapy with behavioural support in person, by telephone or text. Call 01823 356222 or email to discuss how we can support your people to stop smoking.

Smokers are four times more likely to quit with behavioural support!

For more information please visit the SmokeFree Somerset website.

Emotional Wellbeing E-Learning

This e-learning has been developed by Public Health in partnership with colleagues across Somerset Council. The purpose of the training is to help people to understand and manage their own emotional wellbeing but also give them the confidence and skills to help others and create a more supportive workplace. It will take approximately one hour to complete.

Joining Instructions (Please note, you do not need to log in to access the course):

Please complete the short feedback form upon completion of the course.

Suicide Prevention Training

The suicide prevention training provides the opportunity to increase knowledge and awareness of suicide prevention. It also helps to reflect, share thoughts and experiences which better equip us all in our work, volunteer and personal roles.

If you would like us to deliver in-house training to your organisation (must be 10+ delegates) please email

Last reviewed: January 20, 2025 by Sophie

Next review due: July 20, 2025

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