Who we work with
Health and care services in Somerset have been working together closely over the past few years to make improvements and provide more joined up care for the people of Somerset. In December 2020, we were formally designated as an Integrated Care System (ICS).
In Somerset, we have already achieved a lot by working in partnership; this has been strengthened through our response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
These changes have been made possible by different organisations joining forces to agree and plan for local people’s needs. These include:
- NHS hospitals
- GPs
- Councils
- Care homes
- Commissioners
- Voluntary and community organisations
Find out more on the Integrated Care in Somerset – Somerset NHS website.
Aging well information
There are lots of organisations involved in ageing well activities across Somerset. Explore some of these organisations and find out what they do and where to get information.
Adult Social Care
The Adult Social Care Provider Engagement Network communicates and engages with local providers of adult social care services.
Community Council for Somerset (CCS)
The Community Council for Somerset is a UK charity, inspiring and enabling positive change for Somerset’s people, places and enterprises. They have a diverse team of passionate local experts.
The NHS website provides lots of information including:
- Health A – Z
- Live Well
- Mental health
- Care and support
- NHS services
NHS Somerset
NHS Somerset was previously called Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). It is a statutory body responsible for planning and buying healthcare services for around 580,000 people across Somerset. NHS Somerset works with patients, the public and many partners, including local hospitals, local authorities and local voluntary and community groups. Their goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of the people in Somerset. You can find out more on the NHS Somerset website
Public Health, Somerset Council
Somerset Council have the responsibility for public health. The public health objectives we are focusing on in Somerset are to reduce health inequalities and increase life expectancy. We will achieve this through a wide range of targeted public health programmes to promote better health. Find out more at Somerset Council Public Health
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP)
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) is a charitable trust working to increase the health and happiness of residents in Somerset through physical activity and sport. It provides information on being active at home, walking, fit for surgery, long term health conditions, health walks and much more. You can find an activity, class or event or get information on proactive exercise referral scheme (gym referral).
For all information from SASP please visit: Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) or phone 01823 653990 or email enquiries@sasp.co.uk
Somerset Age UK
Somerset Age UK has lots of useful information to help you. This includes information on events and ageing well exercise classes. Other Age UK services include befriending, benefits and general advice. For more information go to the Age UK Somerset website. You can also email info@ageuksomerset.org.uk or phone 01823 345610
Age UK have also produced a booklet that you might find useful – Guide to later life in Somerset and North Somerset. Your local health and wellbeing guide.
Age UK Newsletter
Age UK has a monthly Ageing well and falls prevention newsletter. To get a copy of the newsletter, email ageingwell@ageuksomerset.org.uk to be added to the mailing list.
Somerset Community Foundation
Somerset Community Foundation is a charity that helps passionate people in Somerset change the world on their doorstep. They fund local charities and provide rewarding and impactful ways for donors to give to the causes and places they care about.
Somerset Foundation Trust (SFT)
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust – Care of the older person service diagnose and treat conditions that are common in frail or older people. Conditions such as stroke, dementia, falls, complex Parkinson’s disease, bladder problems and osteoporosis. Referrals for the service can be made through GPs. Find out more about care of older people on the Somerset NHS Foundation Trust website.
SPARK Somerset
Information, advice, training and support to the voluntary and community sector in Somerset. SPARK Somerset run a volunteer Service, inspiring people to get involved and make a difference in their communities. More information is available on the SPARK Somerset website. You can contact SPARK on 01458 550973
Get in touch
Somerset Council’s Public Health service have a dedicated team responsible for healthy ageing. Send your healthy aging queries to the team by email to PublicHealth@somerset.gov.uk. For other types of queries, please contact Somerset Council.