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Given the right circumstances, most mouth and teeth disease can be prevented or managed

OverviewOral health for adults in care homesOral Health Foundation


Given the right circumstances, most mouth and teeth disease can be prevented or managed by ‘healthy behaviours’ such as enjoying a healthy balanced diet and cleaning teeth and gums effectively. The Oral Health Foundation provides advice about dental care for older people.

Oral health for adults in care homes

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have produced key recommendations for Oral health for adults in care homes.

The Government has produced an Oral health toolkit for adults in care homes.

Oral Health Improvement Training and Development is available for adult social care staff.

Oral Health Foundation

A greater number of older people are now keeping their own teeth for longer. Although this is positive news and a good indicator that quality of life is on the rise, this does have implications for dental provision, residential carers and home carers.

For useful resources available including dental care for older people, caring for your teeth, medical conditions and oral health, gum disease and dentures please visit Oral Health Foundation – Caring for the elderly.

Last reviewed: November 13, 2024 by Jennifer

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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