As we get older it is particularly important to do some type of physical activity every day. Even small amounts of activity to reduce time spent sitting or lying down and break up long periods of not moving make a big difference. Not only can this reduce the risk of developing certain health conditions, but it can also improve our wellbeing.
For more information about what the guidelines are for physical activity for older adults visit the NHS Physical activity guidelines for older adults.
Benefits of keeping active
- Improve quality of life
- Improve mental health
- Improve fitness and maintain healthy weight
- Strengthen muscles and bones
- Benefits overall health
- Builds confidence
- New opportunities and increases independence
Reducing our risks
- Falls
- Joint and back pain
- Cancers
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Long Term Health Conditions
Key Messages
- It is never too late
- Some movement is better than none
- Starting gently allows your body to adjust and will limit any feeling of stiffness
- 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week (swim, walk, cycle)
- Strength building twice a week (gym, yoga, carrying heavy bags)
- Improve balance twice a week (dance, bowls, tai chi)
- Avoid long periods of inactivity
What you can do to keep active
Keeping active and moving more can take different forms and can involve walking more, household activities, gardening, chair-based activities, dancing, swimming, football, martial arts, getting outside more as well as joining classes. Here are some activities for both at home and in the community.
Age UK Somerset
Age UK Somerset provide a range of services and programmes supporting movement and physical activity.
- Age UK Somerset – Ageing Well Activities and Exercise classes help us to keep active either at home or in your local community.
- Age UK Somerset – Active Befriending Service can support older people by matching them with a volunteer to accompany them on a gentle walk and talk.
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership
- Move More Together – encouraging inactive adults over 50 to get moving again through the support of a volunteer who can motivate, guide and of course, provide some friendly conversation.
- Somerset Moves – Find local activities (activityfinder.net) covers all activities for Somerset from all providers.
- Somerset Health Walks – Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (sasp.co.uk) is a walk done on a regular basis for your well-being, ranging right from beginner through to gentle, moderate and advanced.
- ProActive is the name for the Physical Activity on Referral scheme in Somerset. The scheme helps people living with health conditions to become more active in a safe and structured environment.
For more activities or ideas, tips and advice on local opportunities as well as activities you can do at home, visit the Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership website. Or you can phone 01823 653990.
Staying Active at Home
Public Health England have produced a booklet detailing information and support available to keep active at home.
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership
Flexercise Training Course
Flexercise aims to promote physical health, mental health and well-being through regular chair-based activity. It is designed to be experienced by a wide range of people and is now used across the County in a variety of settings. These chair-based activity classes can be used to support those looking to regain strength and flexibility as well as to reduce social isolation.
If you or your organisation are interested in running Flexercise classes, Somerset provides Flexercise training course across all districts. These are usually run in community venues and take approximately 3 hours. There is a cost of £15 per participant.
For more information on becoming a Flexercise Trainer, please contact.
- Age UK Somerset (Bridgwater, South Somerset, Mendip) by email Ageingwell@ageuksomerset.org.uk, or phone 01823 345626
- Everyone Active (Somerset West and Taunton) by email alicottey@everyoneactive.com, or phone 01823 271271 extension 22407