E-cigarettes and vapes
E-cigarettes are not licenced as stop smoking medications.
Public Health England reports that e-cigarette use is around 95% less harmful to health than smoking. The report encourages smokers who want to use e-cigarettes as an aid to quit smoking to seek the support of their local stop smoking service. Smokefree Somerset has experienced staff who can provide support, and advice through the quitting process, but the service does not supply e-cigarettes.
What is an e-cigarette?
E-cigarettes are devices that deliver nicotine within an inhalable aerosol by heating a solution that typically contains nicotine, propylene glycol and/or glycerol, plus flavours. This aerosol is commonly referred to as vapour and so the use of an e-cigarette is described as vaping. Unlike cigarettes, there is no combustion (burning) involved in e-cigarettes so there is no smoke or chemicals such as tar and carbon monoxide.
E-cigarettes generally consist of a battery, a heating element or coil (atomiser) and e-cigarette liquid (e-liquid). The e-liquid can be in sealed cartridges or added to a tank system. Some e-cigarettes use cartomisers that combine the atomiser and e-liquid in a single unit. Although some cartomisers are refillable, most are disposable and designed for single use.
Are e-cigarettes safer for me than smoking?
Experts estimate that e-cigarettes are, based on what we know so far, around 95% safer than cigarettes. Smoking is associated with a number of very serious health risks to both the smoker and to others around them. Smokers who switch from smoking tobacco to e-cigarettes substantially reduce a major risk to their health.
Are there any adverse health effects of e-cigarettes?
Although e-cigarettes are not completely risk free, experts agree that they are substantially less harmful than smoking. There is good evidence that nicotine is associated with few health risks in smokers. The tar and toxicants in tobacco smoke rather than nicotine cause adverse health effects.
Do I use e-cigarettes in the same way that I smoke cigarettes?
Vaping is different from smoking and involves a slightly different technique to inhaling on a cigarette. Ask the retailer or an experienced user for advice on correct usage and dosage.
Can I use e-cigarettes if I am pregnant?
E-cigarettes are a great deal safer than smoking, but we do not know yet if there are any risks to the baby from exposure to e-cigarette vapour. Licensed stop smoking medications are currently the recommended option. However, if you choose to use an e-cigarette to quit or to reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke during pregnancy, Smokefree Somerset has a pregnancy specialist who can provide advice and support.